Following instructions from: 20080522 But this time trying to do an Etch chroot from within a Sarge machine. Where do I get a fresh cdebootstrap from? Checking the latest versions from debootstrap (1.0.9) debian/changelog shows that it is certainly maintained (again) now. Also it has a _all.deb from sid. cdebootstrap (0.5.2) is also maintained. This version has more requirements, so I would need to backport libdebian-installer4-dev(>= 0.44) thus I am trying debootstrap (less dependencies, easier to install). The sid package installed without problems on Sarge. The manual page tells me that it can verify the signatures of packages, thus trying to get the keys and put them in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg Got hints from (How to find a key) leading to and lead to Adding them in a new keyring file (as Sarge does not have it by default I guess). Result: gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --list-keys /etc/apt/trusted.gpg -------------------- pub 1024D/6070D3A1 2006-11-20 [expires: 2009-07-01] uid Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (4.0/etch) pub 1024D/2D230C5F 2006-01-03 [expired: 2007-02-07)] uid Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (2006) debootstrap --verbose --keyring=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg \ etch /local-vol1/etch-root \ 2>&1 | tee /local-vol1/etch-debootstrap-20080621.log worked. echo "proc /local-vol1/etch-root/proc proc none 0 0" >> /etc/fstab mount /local-vol1/etch-root/proc As I want to call it from within my regular users I did the same tricks as in debian-chroot-for-sid-20060727ber.txt.