/* ********************************************************************** * :vim ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et ai: * Copyright 2000 Intevation GmbH * This is free software under the GNU LGPL * * useful with OpenMap by BBN Technologies, tested with version 3.6.2. * Add this file to openmap-3.6.2/com/bbn/openmap/layer/vpf/ * and add a line to the Makefile * * 20.12.2000 Bernhard Reiter * version=1.0 * * $Id$ * ********************************************************************** */ package com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf; import java.io.File; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import com.bbn.openmap.util.FormatException; /** * This class will print out some basic information about a VPF database, * suitable for inclusion into the openmap.properties file. *
 * Usage:
 * java com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.GenerateVPFproperties /path/to/vpf/database
* It will then print out VPFlayer descriptions which you can use * to view the VPF layers with the openmap application, to the standard output. * There is no GUI. * * If you add the output to the openmap.properties files, pay attention * to the Summary: lines. They make it easy to add all the layernames * to the recognised ones. * */ public class GenerateVPFproperties extends DescribeDB { static File rootpath; static LibrarySelectionTable lst; /** * The main program. Takes path arguments, and prints the DB it finds * @param args the paths to print */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FormatException { for (int argsi = 0; argsi < args.length; argsi++) { rootpath = new File(args[argsi]); lst = new LibrarySelectionTable(rootpath); //println("Path to database: " + rootpath); //println("Database Name: " + lst.getDatabaseName()); println("### Generated openmap.propterties for"); println("# VPF Data at: " + rootpath); println("# Description: " + lst.getDatabaseDescription()); String[] libraries = lst.getLibraryNames(); //print("Database Libraries: "); //for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) { // print(libraries[i], " "); //} //println(""); //println(""); for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) { String prefix = lst.getDatabaseName()+"_" + libraries[i]; println("#Library: " + prefix ); printLibrary(prefix, lst.getCAT(libraries[i])); println(""); } } } /** * Prints a VPF Library * @param prefix lines get printed with this prefix * @param cat the CoverageAttributeTable (Library) to print */ public static void printLibrary(String prefix, CoverageAttributeTable cat){ StringBuffer printedlayers = new StringBuffer(); String printedlayername = null; if (cat == null) { System.err.println(prefix + "Library doesn't exist"); return; } String[] coverages = cat.getCoverageNames(); //println(prefix, "uses " + (cat.isTiledData() ? "tiled" : "untiled") + " data"); for (int i = 0; i < coverages.length; i++) { printedlayername=printCoverageProperties(prefix, cat, coverages[i]); if(printedlayername!=null) { printedlayers.append(" "+printedlayername); } } println("#Summary:"+printedlayers); } /** * Prints a VPF Coverage * @param prefix this will be the prefix of the generated layer name * @param covname the name of the coverage to print * @param cat the CoverageAttributeTable to get the Coverage from */ public static String printCoverageProperties(String prefix, CoverageAttributeTable cat, String covname){ String layername=prefix + "_" + covname; Vector text_features=new Vector(); Vector edge_features=new Vector(); Vector area_features=new Vector(); Vector point_features=new Vector(); //add topology level CoverageTable ct = cat.getCoverageTable(covname); File path = ct.getDataPath(); File fca = new File(path, "fca"); if (!fca.exists()) { fca = new File(path, "fca."); } if (!fca.canRead()) { println(""); return null; } try { DcwRecordFile fcadesc = new DcwRecordFile(fca); int fclass = fcadesc.whatColumn("fclass"); int type = fcadesc.whatColumn("type"); int descr = fcadesc.whatColumn("descr"); Vector v; while ((v = fcadesc.parseRow()) != null) { String name = (String)v.elementAt(fclass); String t = (String)v.elementAt(type); String desc = (String)v.elementAt(descr); //String tstring = "[unknown] "; if (t.equals("T")) { text_features.addElement(name); } else if (t.equals("L")) { edge_features.addElement(name); } else if (t.equals("A")) { area_features.addElement(name); } else if (t.equals("P")) { point_features.addElement(name); } } } catch (FormatException fe) { //nevermind, skip it } // only print something, if we really found features if(!( text_features.isEmpty()&& edge_features.isEmpty()&& area_features.isEmpty()&& point_features.isEmpty())) { println("###VPF "+ cat.getCoverageDescription(covname)+" Layer" ); println(layername +".class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer"); println(layername + ".prettyName=" + "VPF "+ cat.getCoverageDescription(covname)+" "+prefix); println(layername + ".vpfPath=" + rootpath); println(layername + ".coverageType=" + covname); println(layername + ".featureTypes=" + "area edge text point"); printFeatures("text",text_features,layername); printFeatures("edge",edge_features,layername); printFeatures("area",area_features,layername); printFeatures("point",point_features,layername); println(""); } else { return null; } return layername; } /** * Print some featureclass names * @param fcis an array of FeatureClassInfo objects whose names get * printed */ public static void printFeatures( String fname, Vector features, String layername) { if(!features.isEmpty()) { print(layername+"."+fname+"="); for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) { print(features.elementAt(i)+ " "); } println(""); } } }