Directory listing of /

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thuban/ 2005-07-05 Directory
freegis/ 2004-08-10 Directory
misc/ 2007-07-17 Directory
libgeotrans/ 2005-07-19 Directory
libgeotrans-2.0.3-2.tar.gz 4381 Kbytes 2004-07-29 application/x-tar gzip
readme.txt 644 bytes 2005-07-19 text/plain
gfc/ 2006-03-08 Directory
gfc-0.9.1.tar.gz 557 Kbytes 2006-03-08 application/x-tar gzip
readme.txt 236 bytes 2006-03-08 text/plain
gnu-linux-ppc/ 2018-05-24 Directory
iso9660/ 2002-02-08 Directory
updates/ 2001-01-23 Directory
fedora/ 2006-03-08 Directory
2/ 2004-09-01 Directory
RPMS/ 2004-09-30 Directory
SOURCES/ 2004-09-01 Directory
SPECS/ 2004-09-30 Directory
SRPMS/ 2004-09-30 Directory
readme.txt 836 bytes 2004-08-23 text/plain
fvgd-os/ 2002-12-05 Directory
gnu-linux-i586/ 2018-05-24 Directory
frida/ 2006-01-12 Directory
worlddata/ 2004-09-01 Directory
geo-data/ 2003-10-31 Directory
freegis-tutorial/ 2002-04-18 Directory
geospatial/ 2015-07-16 Directory
README 385 bytes 2018-05-24 text/plain
great-er/ 2006-01-02 Directory
great-er-1.0/ 2003-11-28 Directory
data/ 2006-01-02 Directory
sciparam/ 2003-09-29 Directory
manual/ 2003-07-21 Directory
1_Introduction.html 4242 bytes 2003-09-29 text/html
2_Installing_SciParam.html 3727 bytes 2003-09-29 text/html
3_SciParam_GUI.html 11 Kbytes 2003-09-29 text/html
4_Developer_Documentation.html 8501 bytes 2003-09-29 text/html
5_Keyboard_Shortcuts.html 3832 bytes 2003-09-29 text/html
6_GNU_Free_Documentation_Li.html 24 Kbytes 2003-09-29 text/html
Contents.html 6258 bytes 2003-09-29 text/html
References.html 1520 bytes 2003-09-29 text/html
img1.png 10 Kbytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img10.png 5062 bytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img2.png 11 Kbytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img3.png 7917 bytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img4.png 1644 bytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img5.png 6498 bytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img6.png 5193 bytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img7.png 8359 bytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img8.png 947 bytes 2003-09-29 image/png
img9.png 1954 bytes 2003-09-29 image/png
sciparam-manual.css 891 bytes 2003-09-29 text/css
sciparam-manual.html 7681 bytes 2003-09-29 text/html
sciparam-manual.pdf 164 Kbytes 2003-09-29 application/pdf
greater-pre-processing/ 2003-07-17 Directory
great-er_sediment/ 2006-05-11 Directory
incoming/ Module location
kolab/ 2009-03-26 Directory
local/ 2023-11-17 Directory
lohnrechner/ 2006-03-28 Directory
mapit/ 2002-04-19 Directory
mirrors.txt 350 bytes 2007-11-06 text/plain
openjump/ 2007-01-26 Directory
swpat/ 2000-05-19 Directory
users/ 2018-05-24 Directory
bernhard/ 2009-03-03 Directory
free_software_knoppix/ 2003-01-10 Directory
readme.txt 337 bytes 2003-01-10 text/plain
aegypten/ 2003-02-18 Directory
aegypten-sign-errormessage-20030218.png 29 Kbytes 2003-02-18 image/png
aegypten_bug1103_20030206.png 18 Kbytes 2003-02-06 image/png
frank/ 2006-11-08 Directory
torsten/ 2014-04-03 Directory
bh/ 2005-02-08 Directory
pyshapelib/ 2004-05-29 Directory
pyshapelib-0.1.tar.gz 28 Kbytes 2000-12-20 application/x-tar gzip
pyshapelib-0.2.tar.gz 29 Kbytes 2001-06-15 application/x-tar gzip
pyshapelib-0.3.tar.gz 39 Kbytes 2004-05-28 application/x-tar gzip
pyshapelib-0.3.tar.gz.asc 189 bytes 2004-05-29 text/plain 47 Kbytes 2004-05-28 application/zip 189 bytes 2004-05-29 text/plain
sketch/ 2003-01-14 Directory
sketch-gtk2-20030114.diff 144 Kbytes 2003-01-14 text/plain
skencil/ 2005-02-20 Directory
skencil-0.6.17pre1.tar.gz 1014 Kbytes 2005-02-08 application/x-tar gzip
skencil-0.6.17pre1.tar.gz.sig 65 bytes 2005-02-08 text/plain
skencil-0.6.17pre2.tar.gz 1013 Kbytes 2005-02-20 application/x-tar gzip
skencil-0.6.17pre2.tar.gz.sig 65 bytes 2005-02-20 text/plain
skencil-0.6.17pre3.tar.gz 1109 Kbytes 2005-02-20 application/x-tar gzip
skencil-0.6.17pre3.tar.gz.sig 65 bytes 2005-02-20 text/plain